Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Royal Baby

I know news outlets everywhere are talking about William and Kate's new baby. And I know that thousands of people waited outside Buckingham palace for a chance to glimpse the little tyke. I'm not one of those people. I think I heard off-hand that Kate was pregnant, and that's the last thought I gave to the matter.

In light of her recent delivery I would like to say this to Kate Middleton: Thank you.

Thank you for choosing a vaginal birth. Thank you for standing publicly on the knowledge that your body was made to deliver a baby, to deliver your baby, and that an elective cesarean was not necessary nor wanted.

Thank you for breastfeeding. Thank you for choosing what is hard, and dedicating your time, your body, and your mind to your son. Thank you for taking a stand about what you feel is right, because in the public eye your stand can have a vastly wide impact on what is considered popular or normal.

Thank you for showing your post-partum belly. I know it isn't easy to get dressed those first days/weeks after giving birth. And I know it's got to be that much harder to do it in front of a nation of cameras. But you have given women everywhere a confidence boost by coming home from the hospital looking natural, instead of rail thin.

Thank you Kate, for being the mother you are choosing to be. I wish you all the best, and success in everything you put your mind to for your son.


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